The Predictive Analytics application Next Best Offer developed by Dastani Consulting describes the individualized approach to a customer with the most suitable product for him in online and offline trading. This ensures the provision of the right content in marketing and sales.
The forecasts are based on AI and determine in real time which customer will buy which product next based on the individual orders and purchases. This means that through the analysis of historical transactions, the Next Best Offer (the best products) for customer loyalty campaigns and sales can be determined individually.
Our Predictive Analytics application allows you to customize your approach – in retail and marketing. Application examplesOur Next Best Offer forecasts can be used across all marketing and sales channels. Be it product-specific customer selections for promotions, product recommendations for lead generation in telemarketing, individualized content for the newsletter or product suggestions for inventory management in sales.
The respective customer is shown the Next Best Offer, to which he has a high buying affinity. The targeted approach allows better sales opportunities to be realised. The performance of your company can increase by up to 40%. Furthermore, the effectiveness of mails and calls increases because the customer is addressed with personalised – and not random – product recommendations. The application results in a successful interaction of disposition, warehouse, sales management and marketing.
Next Best Offer with the Sales App
For the efficient support of your sales Dastani Consulting has developed a Location Based App, which delivers suitable Next Best Offer recommendations to your sales representatives in the field. With their smartphone, the salespeople always have access to the sales recommendations in the immediate vicinity and can thus avoid frustrated returns with a resulting minus in the budget.
If you have any further questions, please visit our social media channels (Xing, Linkedin, Instagram) call us at +49 (0)641 984 46 – 0.