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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence | Black Box

Artificial Intelligence: Leads from the black box

By Dastani Consulting

Artificial Intelligence: Leads from the black box

The MASCHINENBAUFORUM Marketing & Vertrieb (Machine Engineering Forum/Marketing & Sales) is a major event in industry representatives’ calendars. Every year in March, Managing Director Edeltraut Horbach invites handpicked experts to the CongressCentrum Pforzheim to provide a large group of visitors with exclusive insights into the current developments. This year’s speakers included Dr. Ing. Parsis Dastani, Managing Director of Dastani Consulting. After the forum, he had the opportunity to talk with Edeltraut Horbach. Read More

Artificial Intelligence | Erfolg im Vertrieb

Artificial intelligence: Sales success is plannable

By Dastani Consulting

Artificial intelligence: Sales success is plannable

Sales functions and field sales forces constitute the most valuable personnel resources in a company. Artificial Intelligence (AI) broadens the knowledge base relating to existing and potential new customers and helps boost sales performance. Consequently, this pays off for the sales function while at the same time raising the motivation of the employees. Read More

KI Vertrieb | Automobilindustrie

Predictive Sales: AI-controlled sales in the automotive industry

By Dastani Consulting

AI-controlled sales in the automotive industry

Great campaigns, masterfully deployed across all channels: Car manufacturers are unbeatable in the field of marketing. However, it is a stony path from gaining a prospective customer’s attention to actually making a sale. Artificial Intelligence (AI) deepens the customer knowledge available to sales functions and increases the probability of order completion, as it focuses on promising prospects and addresses them individually. Read More

Handelsunternehmen | Künstliche Intelligenz

Trading companies: customer experience and Artificial Intelligence

By Dastani Consulting

Trading companies: customer experience and Artificial Intelligence

As a transitional sector, dealers are challenged to rethink their business models and adapt to a generation of customers that is pampered by GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple). Analyses based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) help to sustainably improve not only the digital but also the physical shopping experience. Read More

Künstliche Intelligenz | B2B

Keynote speech at the bevh: Artificial Intelligence in the service of B2B new customer acquisition

By Dastani Consulting

Keynote speech at the bevh (German e-commerce & mail order association): Artificial Intelligence in the service of B2B new customer acquisition

In mid-November 2017, Dr. Parsis Dastani showed members of the bevh B2B working group how they can employ predictions based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) to identify lucrative prospective customers while cutting acquisition and sales costs. Here are the approaches in detail. Read More

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