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Predictive Analytics

Reinforcement Learning | KI-Lösungen liefern Antworten auf wichtige Entscheidungen

Reinforcement Learning: AI solutions respond to key decisions

By Dastani Consulting

Behind AlphaZero’s well-known headlines about world-class performance in Go or Chess games is a special form of artificial intelligence: Reinforcement Learning. As with a game, there are also important decisions that follow one another when addressing customers. In connection with the reinforcement learning method, AI technology finds optimal contact strategies for each individual customer. Read More

Digital Solutions | Next Best Offer mit der AIMS-App

Digital Solutions: NBO with the AIMS-App

By Dastani Consulting

In our previous article you could read how you can use Next Best Offer to predict the likelihood of your potential customers buying additional products from the available range that your customers have a high affinity for. We at Dastani Consulting have developed a mobile app for the application that enables the use of predictive analytics for the field sales force. Read More

Target Group Predict | Produktbasierte Neukundenbestimmung

Product-based new customer identification in B2B: Target Group Prediction

By Dastani Consulting

The number of companies in the market is large – but only a few of them need the attention of your products. For which customers is which product relevant? Target Group Prediction uses a scoring model to calculate the probability of winning a particular company as a new customer. The software developed by Dastani Consulting is based on an algorithm that is designed for Big Data and analyzes the keywords on company websites. Read More

Dynamic Pricing | Mit Next Best Offer gegen die Preisschlacht

Next-best-offer against the price war

By Dastani Consulting

In the last part of our pricing series, you read about the added value that the use of Artificial Intelligence can deliver to merchants in the context of pricing. With the right application, online merchants can achieve significantly higher profits with minimal price increases. In the following article you will read how merchants can use Next-Best-Offer to learn about their customers‘ spending habits and intensify customer loyalty over the long term in order to differentiate their market position from the competition. Read More

Dynamic Pricing | Künstliche Intelligenz in der Preisgestaltung

The Added Value of Artificial Intelligence in Pricing

By Dastani Consulting

In the first part of the series „Dynamic Pricing“ you read that dynamic pricing describes the application of statistical learning to price optimization. A trader’s goal is to maximize performance with minimal price increases at constant costs. This is exactly where the Predictive Analytics software attacks, which can do much more than just observe the competition. Read More

Artificial Intelligence | Erfolg im Vertrieb

Artificial intelligence: Sales success is plannable

By Dastani Consulting

Artificial intelligence: Sales success is plannable

Sales functions and field sales forces constitute the most valuable personnel resources in a company. Artificial Intelligence (AI) broadens the knowledge base relating to existing and potential new customers and helps boost sales performance. Consequently, this pays off for the sales function while at the same time raising the motivation of the employees. Read More

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