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Predictive Sales

Increasing efficiency and effectiveness in sales

By Dastani Consulting

In recent years, much has been promised about artificial intelligence (AI). Their goal was to imitate and even improve human intelligence. Above all, it should serve to significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of sales. Since AI is able to recognize patterns in customers and prospects, different criteria can be compared and desired characteristics in customers and prospects can be identified. The application of AI and predictive analytics brought clear advantages for sales, especially in the hard times of Corona. Read More

Ohne Predictive Analytics drohen Marktnachteile

Predictive Analytics: Digital B2B-Sales

By Dastani Consulting

In sales, there are several use cases for predictive analytics: price optimization, customer churn prevention, lead scoring, etc. For many companies, these applications have become an indispensable component because they have a strong impact on business results. Time and again, products are sold unprofitable in B2B sales. But many sales managers discover very low prices only when margins are already negative. Companies that fail to implement predictive analytics risk losing market share, customer satisfaction, and most importantly, sales productivity. Read More

Forecasting | Vertriebsmanagement

Making sales opportunities tangible

By Dastani Consulting

For sales, it is an explosive topic: the foresight of customer projects and sales volumes. It is not uncommon to plan too optimistically or for customers to develop differently than previously thought. Read the following article to find out how sales forecasting can be optimally successful. Read More

Zielgerichtete Markteroberung im B2B | Scoring Modelle

Targeted market conquest

By Dastani Consulting

Scoring models are used to create a relevant basis for decision-making, especially in the B2B market. The goal of such models is to evaluate data sets using various criteria in order to use them specifically for new customer acquisition. Read More

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