Do you know if your sales team is taking care of the right customers at the right time? Efficient management of the deployment of sales resources requires transparency in terms of the customer universe and the overall market. It’s incredible the opportunities for sales optimization when potential data is available.
Sales per customer, sales per visit
To generate a basis for visit allocation, revenue per sales visit can be modeled using the Customer Value – and Visit Value – Prediction we developed. First, the general Customer Value is calculated for each customer in a two-step process. This allows the sales expectation for each customer to be viewed over a previously defined period of time. This Customer Value value is then linked to the Visit Value, the expected revenue per visit.
Visit forecast and potential forecast
Our potential forecast is a helpful supplement to the Visit Value Prediction. The combination of both forecast values enables you to allocate visit capacities efficiently, in a resource-saving and objective way. The following matrix shows a case study of one of our customers and maps a total of 24,000 sales visits. Here it can be seen that if the objective sales potential is high, resources should be invested in reactivating inactive customers and in acquisition and conquest. In contrast, when revenue potential is low, visit resources should be reallocated. In this case study, 5,000 customer visits are affected and should be handled via telesales rather than in person. This represents a total of about 20% of the total visit resources and illustrates the relevance of resource reallocation. If both the objective potential and the visit forecast ratio (VVP) are high, consideration should be given to increasing the visit frequency. By means of the various forecast values, this gives you the opportunity to better assess your customers and tailor their care to them in a goal-oriented manner.
Finding the needle in the haystack
In numerous customer projects, we have found that companies often prioritize their customers according to historical sales. Accordingly, the focus of their sales staff is on the „good“ and active customers. However, this approach is not target-oriented, as the revenue potential of your customers cannot be fully exploited in this way and some customers are visited too frequently. This is where we apply our Customer Value – and Visit Value – Prediction in a target-oriented way for you, so that you increase the sales efficiency of your sales team and exploit the enormous potentials. Our tools ensure that you visit the right customers and effectively implement sales and marketing measures. You get an overview of the objective sales potential of your active and inactive customers as well as new customers. Using an additional top-down list, you can see which customer should be visited first by your sales team in the coming week. With the help of these key figures, you can finally find out where you need to focus your sales optimization efforts.
Our numerous case studies illustrate the success of these measures. If you have any further questions, please visit our social media channels (Xing, Linkedin, Instagram) call us at +49 (0)641 984 46 – 0.