For which customer is which product interesting? Target Group Predict deals exactly with this question. It is a powerful predictive analytics tool developed by Dastani Consulting. It is based on an algorithm that has been proven for decades and is designed for the analysis of big data.
Target Group Predict profiles the optimal target group from external market data in order to conquer the market or new customers.
Procedure: Target Group Predict
First, the addresses are compared between customers and market addresses. An AI procedure then automatically differentiates between relevant industry-typical and unimportant words of the websites, as well as industries and company size. A total of approx. 1 billion buzzwords on websites, 3 million industry entries, 2 million addresses and over 20 million websites are included in predictive analytics modeling.
For example, 4 million companies in the market are evaluated in terms of their affinity to the company, sales potential and suitability for certain product areas using a scoring model. For each individual product, the software determines which patterns and relationships indicate a high purchasing affinity. The top products can be determined on the basis of the score value. The extremely precise application of artificial intelligence also results in additional potential top addresses for new customer acquisition.
Predictive analytics for your pocket
Dastani Consulting has developed a promising AIMS (Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and Sales) app for on the go, which evaluates companies for their attractiveness. The mobile app is based on Artificial Intelligence and is therefore able to find the right offer for the respective customer.
The Location Based App – quite simply on the smartphone – provides sales staff with the most attractive potential for acquiring new customers. Employees are notified of potentially interesting leads via push notification. This means that they always have access to potential customers in the vicinity and can navigate directly to them via the app.
The use of our powerful predictive analytics tool promises up to 50% higher lead rates. Target Group Predict enables you to make efficient acquisitions in the B2B market.
If you have any further questions, please visit our social media channels (Xing, Linkedin) or call us at +49 (0)641 984 46 – 0.